Signs That Your Sewer Line Is Broken

Plumbing is the network of pipes, fixtures and fittings that transport fluids — typically water — within a structure. It encompasses the installation, maintenance and repair of these systems as well as their layout.


Pipes are vulnerable to damage from many factors. The most common problem is clogging. A home’s sewer lines can become clogged by items that shouldn’t be flushed, like food scraps or toilet paper. Visit Website to learn more.

Many homeowners encounter gurgling noises in their plumbing systems from time to time. While these sounds are often a nuisance, they can also indicate the presence of serious issues that require professional attention. By understanding what these gurgling noises might mean, you can take steps to address them before they cause more trouble for your home.

The most common reason you may hear a gurgling sound is due to blocked drain pipes. Debris, such as food particles, soap scum, or hair, can collect in your drain pipes and interfere with water flow. In these cases, a plumber can use specialized drain cleaning tools to clear the blockage and restore proper drainage.

Another potential cause of gurgling pipes is a lack of proper air pressure in your plumbing system. This can be caused by fast changes in water pressure or rapid shutting off of your faucets, which causes the air to be displaced quickly and create the distinctive gurgling sound. In this case, it is a good idea to avoid using chemical-based drain cleaners, as these can cause damage to your pipes and lead to further problems.

It is also possible that your gurgling pipes are caused by a clogged sewer line. This can occur due to a number of factors, including tree roots, soil movement, or even an old and worn-out line. If left unchecked, a clogged sewer line can result in sewage back-ups, foul odors, and other health concerns.

Your septic system is a crucial component of your plumbing system. If it becomes clogged, you may hear the gurgling sound as the bacteria in your septic tank attempts to break down the waste in your toilets and sinks. Clogged septic systems can be a serious problem and should always be addressed by a certified plumber.

If you have a clogged toilet making gurgling sounds after flushing, this could be a sign of a broken sewer line. This is a very dangerous issue and requires prompt professional intervention to prevent the gurgling from becoming worse and damaging your home’s plumbing infrastructure. Professionals can use a special camera to diagnose the problem and dig into your sewer line to fix it.

Puddles in Your Yard

When large water puddles form in your yard after a rainstorm, they are both puzzling and concerning. Not only do they make it difficult to walk around the yard, but they also cause damage to grass and other plants and create breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Moreover, standing water can leak into your home and damage your foundation. If left unaddressed, these issues can worsen and do long-lasting damage to your home and garden.

One of the most common reasons for puddles in your yard is poor drainage. If your lawn isn’t properly graded or the soil has become compacted, it won’t be able to adequately absorb and drain water. Regular lawn maintenance, including dethatching and aerating, will help improve soil conditions and prevent the formation of water puddles.

Another possible reason for puddles in your yard is a broken sewer pipe. A damaged sewer pipe will allow water and sewage to seep into the ground and pool in the backyard. The most obvious sign of a sewer line leak is an unusual spike in your water bill, but it’s also important to keep an eye out for unexplained water puddles in the backyard.

If the puddles are located near your home’s main water supply pipe, it may be time to call for professional plumbing services. This is because a burst home water supply pipe could lead to flooding, water damage, and costly repairs to your home’s interior.

In addition, a burst home water supply pipe can cause wastewater to spill into your yard and cause serious damage to your property and health. Fortunately, you can avoid this scenario by calling for professional plumbing services as soon as you notice a leak in your home’s water supply pipe.

If you are dealing with a clogged gutter or downspout, it could be causing rainwater to overflow and pool in specific areas of your yard. Clogged gutters and downspouts can be cleaned or replaced to ensure that rainwater is flowing freely and away from your house’s foundation. Inadequate grading near your foundation can also contribute to puddle formation and pose a risk of water seepage into the basement or crawl space. Regular grading and the installation of drainage solutions, like French drains, will help mitigate these problems.

Clogged or Broken Laterals

The problem can cause sewage to back up into your home, which is a major health and safety concern. It can also lead to damage to your property and require costly repairs. Luckily, you can avoid this problem by keeping an eye out for the following signs that your sewer line is broken.

If you notice sewage backing up into your toilets, floor drains or sinks, it is likely that your lateral is clogged or broken. This can be caused by the buildup of non-flushable items like grease and hair, or by tree roots entering the lateral pipe. If you notice this problem, call a licensed plumber immediately to clear the blockage and check for breakages.

Another sign that your lateral is clogged or breaking is when multiple drains in your house begin to back up at the same time. This is usually a good indication that the problem is in the lateral rather than in individual drainpipes. This type of clog can be difficult to remove without removing and replacing the entire line.

Your lateral can also be clogged when it’s overflowing with water during rainy weather. This happens when the water that you use in your home cannot make it through your lateral to the city’s sanitary sewer in the street. Keeping an eye out for this problem can help you avoid flooding your basement and save on expensive repair costs.

The best way to prevent a clog or broken lateral is to practice regular maintenance. This includes having your lateral cleaned regularly, avoiding flushing non-flushable items and properly disposing of fats and oils. You should also plant trees and shrubs far away from your lateral line to prevent the roots from entering it. It is also a good idea to have your lateral inspected with a camera on a regular basis.

If you have a clogged or broken lateral, contact a licensed plumber immediately to have it cleared and repaired. If you wait too long, the clog or break could become worse and lead to a more serious issue down the road.

Leaking Water

Leaks from pipes, plumbing fixtures and water-using appliances can waste water, cause property damage, and encourage unwanted organic growth. They also can cause sagging floors and ceilings, increased water bills and lower than normal water pressure. Fortunately, there are many warning signs that you might have a leak. These include a sudden increase in your water bill, the sound of running water (rattling or hissing), musty smells around drains, puddles on the floor, walls and ceilings, a decrease in water pressure and warped, stained or discolored wall and floor surfaces.

If you notice these or other warning signs, it’s important to take steps to stop the problem before it gets worse. First, make sure all automatic water devices are turned off inside and outside your home. Next, locate your water meter and shut off the main water supply valve. After that, start by draining all of the faucets in your home starting with those on the lowest level of your house. Then, use a garden hose to flush out the remaining water in your pipes, taking care not to contaminate the water line to the water meter.

You should also check for water leaks under sinks and behind toilets, as well as any water use appliances that are located in your basement. It’s a good idea to regularly check in the crawl space and attics as well. Leaks can often occur in hard-to-reach places.

In some cases, you might not be able to find the source of the leak and may need to call in a professional plumber. You should never try to open or drain clogged pipes yourself or use caustic drain cleaners on your own as these could lead to more serious and costly problems down the road.

If you think you have a sewer line problem, the first thing to do is contact your city’s water utility. They will determine if the problem is within their responsibility or whether it’s a homeowner’s issue. If it’s a homeowners issue, you should make the affected area off-limits to water usage until the problem is resolved by a licensed plumber.